Exam 1 Quiz Answer

Hello Friends in this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Connection – It’s Not About the Terrorists Week 2 | Exam 1 Quiz Answer with you..

Homeland security is about safeguarding the United States from domestic catastrophic destruction. Domestic catastrophic destruction comes in two forms: natural and manmade. For most of history, the manmade variety came in the form of warfare and required the combined resources of a nation state.

Exam 1 Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What was the strategic significance of the Tokyo Subway Attacks?

  • Japan is a major trading partner with the United States.
  • It was the first time a death sentence had been handed down by the Japanese government.
  • Aum Shinrikyo almost succeeded in toppling the Japanese government.
  • They were the first employment of a weapon of mass destruction by non-state actors.

Question 2)
What was the strategic implication of the Tokyo Subway Attacks to the United States?

  • US nuclear deterrent forces were placed on an indefinite state of high alert.
  • US Border Patrol agents were alerted to capture and detain members of Aum Shinrikyo.
  • The US national security apparatus was unsuited for protecting against WMD attack by non-state actors.
  • US special forces underwent special training to take on missions against non-state actors.

Question 3)
What action did Congress take out of concern that the FBI could not sufficiently coordinate Federal efforts to prevent a WMD attack by non-state actors against the United States?

  • Appointed commissions to investigate and make recommendations.
  • Petitioned the President to establish an Office of Homeland Security.
  • Passed legislation outlawing the deployment of WMD on US territory.
  • Appropriated funds to improve DoD ability to detect and protect against WMD attack.

Question 4)
What is the distinguishing characteristic of weapons of mass destruction?

  • WMD are capable of causing large-scale death and/or destruction.
  • WMD incite fear and panic because there are no means of countering them.
  • WMD can only be produced from the combined resources of a nation state.
  • WMD are beyond the reach of non-state actors.

Question 5)
Among weapons of mass destruction, which are considered easiest to acquire and deploy?

  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological
  • Nuclear

Question 6)
Among weapons of mass destruction, which are not easy to obtain, but may be more lethal against both humans and animals?

  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological
  • Nuclear

Question 7)
Among weapons of mass destruction, which are considered most difficult to acquire, but rank as the most destructive?

  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological
  • Nuclear

Question 8)
How was the US Federal government response to the 9/11 hijackings characterized?

  • Uncoordinated/Ineffective
  • Uncoordinated/Effective
  • Coordinated/Ineffective
  • Coordinated/Effective

Question 9)
How did the 9/11 hijackers achieve WMD effects without using WMD?

  • They crashed large jets into tall buildings.
  • They hijacked large jets fueled for intercontinental travel.
  • They subverted the nation’s transportation infrastructure.
  • They defeated the nation’s air traffic control system.

Question 10)
Homeland security is about terrorism.

  • True
  • False

Question 11)
Under the current definition of homeland security, what are the two specific threats to the nation?

  • Terrorism & WMD
  • Terrorism & Hazards
  • Terrorism & al Qaeda
  • Terrorism & Afghanistan

Question 12)
How does this course frame the “working definition” of homeland security?

  • Safeguarding the United States from domestic catastrophic destruction.
  • A concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur.
  • A concerted national effort to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards where American interests, aspirations, and way of life can thrive.
  • Acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State that appear to be intended to coerce a civilian population; influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.

Question 13)
According to the course’s working definition of homeland security, what actions are required across the four phases of disaster?

  • Prevent, Mitigate, Respond, & Recover
  • Prevent, Protect, Respond, & Recover
  • Observe, Orient, Decide, & Act
  • Detect, Deter, Defend, & Defeat

Question 14)
How did Hurricane Katrina in 2005 affect the mission of the Department of Homeland Security?

  • It expanded the mission of FEMA.
  • It increased funding to the Disaster Response Fund.
  • It was a reminder for the need to enhance the capabilities of First Responders.
  • It was a reminder that natural disasters can also create domestic catastrophic destruction.

Question 15)
How did Congress change the Department of Homeland Security to ensure its missions were aligned to emerging threats?

  • Congress mandated greater oversight over DHS activities.
  • Congress mandated a Quadrennial Homeland Security Review.
  • Congress appropriated increased funding for DHS aviation security.
  • Congress appropriated increased funding for DHS customs and border protection.

Question 16)
When did the United States first become concerned about Homeland Security?

  • Following the Tokyo Subway Attacks
  • Following the Oklahoma City Bombing
  • Following the Khobar Towers Bombing
  • Following the 9/11 Attacks

Question 17)
What was the national security implication of the Tokyo Subway Attacks?

  • Shibuya Asahara was sentenced to death.
  • Aum Shinrikyo was outlawed in Japan.
  • Japan was unprepared to respond to a WMD attack on its soil.
  • Small groups and individuals could wield destructive power once reserved to nation states.

Question 18)
President Clinton issued PDD-39 appointing which Federal Agency responsibility for preventing a WMD attack by non-state actors against the United States?

  • CIA
  • FBI
  • DHS
  • DoD

Question 19)
What are the four generally recognized classes of weapons of mass destruction?

  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Explosive agents
  • Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, and Explosive agents
  • Chemical, Bacteriological, Radiological, and Nuclear agents
  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear agents

Question 20)
What is the legal status of weapons of mass destruction under US law?

  • It is illegal to knowingly publish or distribute information about WMD.
  • It is illegal for unauthorized agents to develop, acquire, or possess WMD.
  • WMD research and development are banned by the Federal government.
  • WMD research and development are banned by international agreement.

Question 21)
Among weapons of mass destruction, which are not easy to obtain, but may be more lethal against both humans and animals?

  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological
  • Nuclear

Question 21)
The greatest concern among security experts is that a WMD attack by rogue agents would destroy the United States.

  • True
  • False

Question 23)
Why did 9/11 instigate a major overhaul of US aviation security?

  • Because the airlines didn’t have access to terrorist watch lists.
  • Because the airlines were adverse to paying for effective security measures.
  • Because the hijackers defeated all security measures then designed to thwart their actions.
  • Because the hijackers employed highly sophisticated weapons and techniques in their attacks.

Question 24)
What did the investigating 9/11 Commission say was the singular distinguishing characteristic of the 9/11 attacks?

  • Unconventional Tactics
  • Unprecedented Attack
  • Surpassing Disproportion
  • Overwhelming Force

Question 25)
Homeland security is about terrorism.

  • True
  • False

Question 26)
How does this course frame the “working definition” of homeland security?

  • Safeguarding the United States from domestic catastrophic destruction.
  • A concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur.
  • A concerted national effort to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards where American interests, aspirations, and way of life can thrive.
  • Acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State that appear to be intended to coerce a civilian population; influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.

Question 27)
Department of Homeland Security missions and goals are identified in what document?

  • Quadrennial Homeland Security Review
  • National Strategy for Homeland Security
  • National Security Strategy
  • National Strategy for Combatting Terrorism

Question 28)
What is the purpose of the Department of Homeland Security?

  • To lead the nation’s efforts in counterterrorism.
  • To lead the nation’s efforts in foreign intelligence.
  • Safeguard the US from domestic catastrophic destruction.
  • Safeguard the US from terrorism and natural disasters.

Question 29)
Among weapons of mass destruction, which are considered more disruptive than destructive?

  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological
  • Nuclear

Question 30)
Referring to the current definition of homeland security, what do “terrorism” and “hazards” have in common?

  • They can both result in the collapse of US government.
  • They can both result in domestic catastrophic destruction.
  • They are both natural disasters.
  • They are both unstoppable.

Question 31)
According to the course’s working definition of homeland security, what is primary concern of homeland security?

  • Terrorism
  • Hazards
  • Domestic Catastrophic Destruction
  • Collapse of US Government

Question 32)
According to the course’s working definition of homeland security, the nation can never be completely safe.

  • True
  • False

Question 33)
Under US law, what is the defining criminal attribute of “terrorism”?

  • Means
  • Motive
  • Opportunity
  • Scale




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