Exam 2 Quiz Answer

Hello Friends in this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Connection – It’s Not About the Terrorists Week 4 | Exam 2 Quiz Answer with you..

Homeland security is about safeguarding the United States from domestic catastrophic destruction. Domestic catastrophic destruction comes in two forms: natural and manmade. For most of history, the manmade variety came in the form of warfare and required the combined resources of a nation state.

Exam 2 Quiz Answer

Question 1)
When did critical infrastructure protection become a priority US government security concern?

  • Following the Tokyo Subway Attacks
  • Following the Oklahoma City Bombing
  • Following the Khobar Towers Bombing
  • Following the 9/11 Attacks

Question 2)
How did 9/11 affect US security policy regarding critical infrastructure protection?

  • 9/11 eliminated the need for critical infrastructure protection.
  • 9/11 established the need for critical infrastructure protection.
  • 9/11 lowered critical infrastructure protection to a low priority.
  • 9/11 raised critical infrastructure protection to a high priority.

Question 3)
Which of the following is NOT an element of the critical infrastructure protection framework kept by President Bush?

  • Defined infrastructure sectors overseen by designated Sector-Specific Agencies.
  • Public-private partnerships for developing Sector-Specific Plans.
  • An overarching National Infrastructure Protection Plan predicated on a Risk Management Framework.
  • Improved sharing of law enforcement and intelligence information between the FBI and CIA.

Question 4)
How did President Obama change the critical infrastructure protection framework kept by President Bush?

  • He ordered the DHS to develop a national infrastructure protection plan.
  • He ordered the FBI to develop a national infrastructure protection plan.
  • He issued PPD-21 essentially preserving the framework kept by HSPD-7.
  • He issued PPD-21 essentially scrapping the framework kept by HSPD-7.

Question 5)
What are the basic tenets of the nation’s counter-WMD strategy?

  • Detect, Deter, Defend, Defeat
  • Prevent, Protect, Respond, Recover
  • Nonproliferation, Counterproliferation, Consequence Management
  • Nonproliferation, Counterterrorism, Consequence Management

Question 6)
Which counter-WMD tenet seeks to remove weapons of mass destruction from those who have acquired them?

  • Counterterrorism
  • Nonproliferation
  • Counterproliferation
  • Consequence Management

Question 7)
What document maintained by DHS provides the overarching framework for critical infrastructure protection?

  • National Security Strategy
  • National Strategy for Homeland Security
  • Quadrennial Homeland Security Review
  • National Infrastructure Protection Plan

Question 8)
In which step of the Risk Management Framework do DHS Protective Security Advisors, when asked, conduct Site Assistance Visits using an Infrastructure Survey Tool to assess both physical and cyber security measures?

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4

Question 9)
The Department of Homeland Security has been unable to develop a set of metrics for measuring progress towards achieving security goals listed in corresponding Sector-Specific Plans as part of Step 5 of the Risk Management Framework.

  • True
  • False

Question 10)
Which DHS organization stands watch over the status of the nation’s infrastructure, and stands ready to coordinate Federal support should it be needed?

  • National Operations Center
  • US Computer Emergency Readiness Team
  • Information Sharing and Analysis Centers
  • National Infrastructure Coordinating Center

Question 11)
According to a 2014 study, what are the two most common methods of cyber attack?

  • Social Engineering & Vulnerability Exploitation
  • Social Engineering & Denial of Service Attack
  • Vulnerability Exploitation & Computer Viruses
  • Vulnerability Exploitation & Trojan Horse

Question 12)
Cybersecurity is a matter of ensuring what three principles?

  • Confidentiality, Integrity, & Accessibility
  • Confidentiality, Integrity, & Appropriateness
  • Completeness, Integrity, & Appropriateness
  • Completeness, Independence, & Accessibility

Question 13)
Which DHS organization maintains 24-hour watch for cyber attack?

  • A. National Operations Center
  • US Computer Emergency Readiness Team
  • National Infrastructure Coordinating Center
  • National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center

Question 14)
In the course cybersecurity model, which layer consists of a general purpose computer supporting an Information Technology enterprise, or a special purpose computer supporting a Cyber Physical System?

  • Device
  • Monitoring
  • Screening
  • Policy

Question 15)
In the course cybersecurity model, which layer can help block traffic from bad places, and remove traffic with malicious or unauthorized content if the device is connected to the Internet?

  • Device
  • Monitoring
  • Screening
  • Policy

Question 16)
How did President Bush change the critical infrastructure protection framework established by President Clinton?

  • He ordered the DoD to develop a national infrastructure protection plan.
  • He ordered the FBI to develop a national infrastructure protection plan.
  • He issued HSPD-7 essentially preserving the framework established by PDD-63.
  • He issued HSPD-7 essentially scrapping the framework established by PDD-63.

Question 17)
Which counter-WMD tenet seeks to prevent further spread of weapons of mass destruction to those who don’t already have them?

  • Counterterrorism
  • Nonproliferation
  • Counterproliferation
  • Consequence Management

Question 18)
Critical infrastructure protection is the responsibility of which directorate within the Department of Homeland Security?

  • Science & Technology
  • US Customs & Border Protection
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • National Protection & Programs

Question 19)
In which step of the Risk Management Framework does DHS FEMA offer funding under the Homeland Security Grant Program and other programs to assist State and Local governments in making up for security measures that are impractical or beyond the influence of infrastructure owners/operators.

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4

Question 20)
The Department of Homeland Security was instrumental in establishing what type of organization to help industry help itself by reporting problems and sharing solutions?

  • National Operations Center
  • US Computer Emergency Readiness Team
  • Information Sharing and Analysis Centers
  • National Infrastructure Coordinating Center

Question 21)
Who is the first and last line of cyber defense?

  • DoD
  • DHS
  • US Federal Government
  • System Owners & Operators

Question 22)
How did President Clinton respond to the recommendations of the 1997 presidential commission report that investigated threats to US infrastructure?

  • He ordered the DoD to develop a national infrastructure protection plan.
  • He ordered the FBI to develop a national infrastructure protection plan.
  • He issued PDD-63 setting up a framework for protecting critical infrastructure from both physical and cyber attack.
  • He issued PDD-63 setting up a framework for protecting critical infrastructure from natural and manmade hazards.

Question 23)
How did President Obama change focus on critical infrastructure protection?

  • PPD-21 increased emphasis on cybersecurity.
  • PPD-21 decreased emphasis on cybersecurity.
  • PPD-21 increased the number of infrastructure sectors.
  • PPD-21 decreased the number of infrastructure sectors.

Question 24)
Which counter-WMD tenet responds to the deployment of WMD on US territory?

  • Counterterrorism
  • Nonproliferation
  • Counterproliferation
  • Consequence Management

Question 25)
Which DHS component works with program developers to fix identified security vulnerabilities, and provides a clearinghouse for threat reporting and countermeasure distribution?

  • National Operations Center
  • US Computer Emergency Readiness Team
  • Industrial Control System Cyber Emergency Response Team
  • National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center

Question 26)
In the course cybersecurity model, which layer supports audit logs that can help verify security measures and investigate suspected breaches as well as intrusion detection and protection systems that can provide real-time monitoring and can warn or take corrective action when anomalous behavior is detected?

  • Device
  • Monitoring
  • Screening
  • Policy

Question 27)
Social engineering means that your security is only as strong as what?

  • Access Policy
  • Weakest User
  • Password Policy
  • Cybersecurity Policy

Question 28)
In the course cybersecurity model, which layer shapes all the other layers and manages the compromise between the amount of security you can afford to buy and the amount of risk you’re willing to accept?

  • Device
  • Monitoring
  • Screening
  • Policy

Question 29)
The Risk Management Framework is a voluntary program conducted in partnership between the US government and industry.

  • True
  • False

Question 30)
What was the conclusion of the 1997 presidential commission report that investigated threats to US infrastructure?

  • US infrastructure was under immediate threat, and was susceptible to imminent terrorist attack.
  • US infrastructure was under immediate threat, and was susceptible to imminent cyber attack.
  • US infrastructure was not under immediate threat, but was increasingly vulnerable to cyber attack.
  • US infrastructure was not under immediate threat, but was inherently vulnerable to terrorist attack.



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