Graded Quiz: The WhatsApp Business Management API Quiz Answers

Hello Friends in this article i am gone to share WhatsApp Business Platform for Developers Week 4 | Graded Quiz: The WhatsApp Business Management API Quiz Answers with you.

Graded Quiz: The WhatsApp Business Management API Quiz Answers

Question 1)
A Facebook login can be used to generate…

  • An app secret.
  • A secure passphrase.
  • A permanent token.
  • A short-lived token.

Question 2)
What is one reason you might generate a temporary access token in the development stage?

  • Giving access to internal customer support.
  • Providing access to customer beta testers.
  • Sending out test messages to customers without templates.
  • Testing your implementation of the WhatsApp Business Management API.

Question 3)
Why is it important to never hard-code the app access token into client-side code?

  • Anyone who decompiles your app could gain full access to an App Secret and then modify an app.
  • Your developers will lose access to the app.
  • It will return an error code from the Graph API.
  • A competing company would then be able to copy the code used in your app for their own .

Question 4)
What is the first step in creating a non-expiring, permanent access token?

  • Generate a temporary token
  • Create a system user
  • Connect with WhatsApp customer service
  • Create a new account

Question 5)
What is the WhatsApp Business Management API limit?

  • 5,000 calls per active WhatsApp business account
  • 500 calls per hour, per app, per active WhatsApp business account
  • 50 calls per hour, per app, per active WhatsApp business account
  • 5,000 calls per hour, per app, per active WhatsApp business account

Question 6)
Which of the following is not an ideal place for a generated WhatsApp QR code?

  • Marketing emails
  • Product packaging
  • Internal merchandise
  • Customers’ invoices

Question 7)
True or false: When migrating a phone number to a new WhatsApp Business Account, that number loses its quality rating upon transfer.

  • True
  • False

Question 8)
When migrating a business phone number, the business ID on the destination WhatsApp Business Account must…

  • Pay a migration fee.
  • Be in good standing with WhatsApp.
  • Have a sufficiently high quality rating.
  • Match the business ID on the source WhatsApp Business Account.



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