Linux Cloud and DevOps Module 2 Graded Quiz Answers

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Linux Cloud and DevOps Module 2 Graded Quiz Answers


Module 2 Graded Quiz Answers

Question 1)
What is the Linux tool that provides a shell to manage virtual machines?

  • Libvirt
  • Virsh
  • Virtual Box

Question 2)
What does libvirt not provide?

  • GUI
  • a deamon
  • command-line utilities
  • API

Question 3)
What is a Linux GUI for creating and managing virtual machine?

  • VMM
  • LibVirt
  • Virsh

Question 4)
Which type of Hypervisor runs on another OS?

  • Type I
  • Type II

Question 5)
Which type of Hypervisor runs on the bare-metal?

  • Type I
  • Type II

Question 6)
If you host OS is Linux what type of Guest can you run?

  • Many different Guest OSs
  • Only Linux

Question 7)
Which type of Virtual Network Types can only talk to the host and other VMS running on the host?

  • Host-only adapter
  • Bridged Adapter
  • NAT adapter

Question 8)
Which type of Virtual Network Types gets its own IP address on the network outside the host?

  • Host-only adapter
  • Bridged Adapter
  • NAT adapter

Question 9)
Which type of Virtual Network Types uses a single address for the host and the guest OS?

  • Host-only adapter
  • Bridged Adapter
  • NAT adapter

Question 10)
Why would you want to bootstrap with Linux?

  • To use less memory
  • To use less processor time
  • To easily create hundreds of VMs



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