Linux Cloud and DevOps Module 3 Graded Quiz Answers

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Linux Cloud and DevOps Module 3 Graded Quiz Answers


Module 3 Graded Quiz Answers

Question 1)
What step sends the changed files to the remote repository?

  • push
  • commit
  • add

Question 2)
What step sends the changed files to the local repository?

  • push
  • commit
  • add

Question 3)
What step sends the changed files to the staging area?

  • push
  • commit
  • add

Question 4)
Which git command will switch to another branch and check it out?

  • checkout
  • branch
  • merge

Question 5)
Which git command will merge a branch into the current checkout branch?

  • checkout
  • branch
  • merge

Question 6)
Which git command will create a new branch?

  • checkout
  • branch
  • merge

Question 7)
Who created Git?

  • Steve Jobs
  • Linus Torvalds
  • Bill Gates

Question 8)
What is the hidden subdirectory named .git?

  • Working Directory
  • Staging Area
  • Local Repository
  • Remote Repository

Question 9)
Which is not a remote Git Repository?

  • Github
  • SourceSafe
  • Bitbucket
  • Launchpab

Question 10)
What git coomand will retrieve an entire repository from the hosted location?

  • clone
  • retreive
  • download



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