Linux Cloud and DevOps Week 4 Practice Quiz Answers

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Linux Cloud and DevOps Week 4 Practice Quiz Answers


DevOps Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which of the following is not a goal of DevOps?

  • Speed
  • Better looking software
  • Scale
  • Security

Question 2)
How does DevOps improve Reliability?

  • By trying to replicate the enviroment between production and testing
  • By releasing software more often
  • By innovating faster

Question 3)
Why do you want more collaboration with DevOps?

  • More communication will eliminate mistakes
  • Source address
  • Meetings are good punishment for programmers


Containers Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which isolation solution can have its own OS per Guest?

  • VMs
  • Containers

Question 2)
Which isolation solution is typically faster?

  • Containers
  • VMs

Question 3)
Which is a container solution?

  • Docker
  • VMWare
  • VirtualBox


Docker Containers Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What format is a Dockerfile stored in?

  • Text
  • XML
  • Binary

Question 2)
Which command is used to sepcify the Linux Distro to use in Docker?

  • From
  • Run
  • Source

Question 3)
Which docker command line will convert the Dockerfile to an image?

  • build
  • images
  • run


Orchestration Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What do you call it when you quickly integrate app changes into the main software?

  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous testing
  • Continuous delivery

Question 2)
What do you call it when app changes get automatically tested?

  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous testing
  • Continuous delivery

Question 3)
What do you call it when app changes are delivered to a customer on a continual basis?

  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous testing
  • Continuous delivery



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