Linux Fundamentals Week 1 Practice Quiz Answers

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Linux Fundamentals Week 1 Practice Quiz Answers


History of Linux Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which device types can Linux run on?

  • Personal Computers
  • Servers
  • Smart Phones
  • Chromebooks

Question 2)
Where was UNIX invented?

  • Bell Labs
  • Microsoft Labs
  • Google

Question 3)
Who created the Free Software Foundation?

  • Bill Gates
  • Steve Jobs
  • Richard Stallman


Linux Licensing Model Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which license does Linux use?

  • GPL
  • BSD
  • Mozilla
  • Proprietary

Question 2)
If you modify Linux source code you cannot charge anyone for that change.

  • False
  • True

Question 3)
You need to be a linux partner to change the source code.

  • False
  • True


Linux Distributions Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What is an advantage of RHEL?

  • The versions of software are contolled so only patches are added
  • Everything is free

Question 2)
Why does Fedora have so many releases?

  • It is designed to test new innovative features
  • It is designed to get new version so software is more stable

Question 3)
Can you use Ubuntu on Internet of Things (IOT)?

  • Yes
  • No


Linux Command Line Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Why does Linux not have a GUI?

  • It has a GUI
  • It is too hard to code

Question 2)
Which command allows you to change the current directory?

  • ls
  • cp
  • pwd
  • cd

Question 3)
Which command deletes a file?

  • del
  • rm
  • delete




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