Linux Fundamentals Week 3 Practice Quiz Answers

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Linux Fundamentals Week 3 Practice Quiz Answers


Handle Files and Directories Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What character do hidden files start with?

  • .
  • $
  • Any alphanumeric character

Question 2)
Which option allows ls to sort by Size?

  • -S
  • -s
  • -Size

Question 3)
Which command is used to copy files?

  • cp
  • copy
  • makecopy


Files and Directory Links Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which type of link allows you to delete the original filename and still have access?

  • hard link
  • soft link

Question 2)
If you do not pass an option to the ln command what type of link will it create?

  • hard link
  • soft link

Question 3)
Can you link folders?

  • Yes
  • No


Reading Files Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which file type is not normally a text file?

  • Wordprocessing file
  • Configuration file
  • Log file

Question 2)
Which command can show two textfiles side by side in columns?

  • tail
  • pr
  • head

Question 3)
Which of the following is not a pager utility?

  • head
  • more
  • less


Find and Compare Files Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which search utility can use a database to make the search faster?

  • locate
  • whereis
  • find

Question 2)
Which option switch allows the diff command to just give a simple answer if the files are different?

  • -q
  • -justshowme
  • -quiet

Question 3)
What parameter do you pass to the find command to specify a file name pattern?

  • -name
  • -pattern




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