Linux Fundamentals Week 4 Practice Quiz Answers

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Linux Fundamentals Week 4 Practice Quiz Answers


Filter Text Files Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What BRE would match a single character on only a single character?

  • .
  • $
  • *
  • ^

Question 2)
What BRE would match the beginning of a line?

  • .
  • *
  • ^
  • $

Question 3)
What BRE would match the end of a line?

  • .
  • *
  • ^
  • $


Redirect Standard In, Out and Error Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which is the correct command to redirect STDOUT from the cat command?

  • cat file1.txt > newfile.txt
  • cat file1.txt 2> newfile.txt
  • cat file1.txt < newfile.txt

Question 2)
Which is the correct command to redirect STDERR from the cat command?

  • cat file1.txt > newfile.txt
  • cat file1.txt < newfile.txt
  • cat file1.txt 2> newfile.txt

Question 3)
Which is the correct command to redirect STDERR from the cat command and append the output to the file?

  • cat file1.txt 2> newfile.txt
  • cat file1.txt 2>> newfile.txt
  • cat file1.txt >> newfile.txt


Pipe & Filter Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which command will pipe the output from the cat command to the less pager?

  • cat file1 | less
  • cat file1 > less

Question 2)
Which command will send the text to the less pager and to a file?

  • cat file1.txt|tee -a file2.txt|less
  • tee file1.txt -a file2.txt|less

Question 3)
What wil be the output from this command?

cat <<ASPEN T
his is my Text 
  • This is my Text
  • This is my Text ASPEN
  • ASPEN This is my Text ASPEN


Editing Text Files Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What VI keystroke allows you to enter a command?

  • :
  • .
  • $

Question 2)
If file1.txt has these three link:

Aspen did not do his homework
Aspen did not study for the exam
Aspen failed the course

If this command is run what is the output:
sed -e 's/Aspen/Seamus/' file1.txt
  • Aspen did not do his homework
    Aspen did not study for the exam
    Aspen failed the course
  • Seamus did not do his homework
    Seamus did not study for the exam
    Seamus failed the course
  • seamus did not do his homework
    seamus did not study for the exam
    seamus failed the course

Question 3)
If file1.txt has these three link:

Aspen did not do his homework
Aspen did not study for the exam
Aspen failed the course

If this command is run what is the output:
sed -e 's/aspen/seamus/' file1.txt
  • Aspen did not do his homework
    Aspen did not study for the exam
    Aspen failed the course
  • Seamus did not do his homework
    Seamus did not study for the exam
    Seamus failed the course
  • seamus did not do his homework
    seamus did not study for the exam
    seamus failed the course


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