Managing Linux Systems Module 2 Graded Quiz Answers

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Managing Linux Systems Module 2 Graded Quiz Answers

Module 2 Graded Quiz Answers

Question 1)
How many primary groups can a user belong to?

  • one
  • zero or one
  • unlimited

Question 2)
How many secondary groups can a user belong to?

  • exactly one
  • zero or more
  • None

Question 3)
What is the field delimiter for the /etc/groups file?

  • semicolon
  • colon
  • space

Question 4)
Which file typically has the users passwords in Linux?

  • /etc/passwd
  • /etc/shadow
  • /etc/login.defs

Question 5)
What directory is used as the skeleton for new users home directories?

  • /etc/login.defs
  • /etc/default/useradd
  • /etc/skel

Question 6)
What is used to delimited fields in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow?

  • a space
  • a colon
  • a semicolon

Question 7)
Which command does not show the logged in users?

  • who is at the terminal
  • who am i
  • whoami

Question 8)
Which command will show how long the system has been up?

  • w
  • id
  • who up

Question 9)
Who is affected by a user entry?

  • Just the one user
  • Anyone who changes to that directory
  • All users in the group

Question 10)
Which is NOT a location searched for Global Entries?

  • Users home
  • /etc/profile
  • /etc/profile.d
  • /etc/bashrc



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