Managing Linux Systems Week 3 Practice Quiz Answers

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Managing Linux Systems Week 3 Practice Quiz Answers


Hard Drives Partitions Quiz Answers

Question 1)
Partitioning hard drives is unique to Linux.

  • False
  • True

Question 2)
How many partitions does an MBR support?

  • 128
  • 1
  • 4

Question 3)
If you are using a GUID Partition Table (GPT) which tool should you use to partition the disks?

  • ldisk
  • fdisk
  • gdisk


Linux File Systems Practice Quiz Answers

Question 1)
Which directory in the FHS contains data for system programs?

  • /tmp
  • /usr/sbin
  • /usr/bin

Question 2)
Which file system supports files up to 16TiB?

  • ext4
  • ext3
  • ISO-9660

Question 3)
Which filesystem is typically used for portable USB keys?

  • VFAT
  • NTFS
  • ext3


Linux File Systems Management Practice Quiz Answers

Question 1)
Which file should you modify to automatically mount a filesystem on boot?

  • /etc/fstab
  • /sbin/bootemup
  • /etc/driveoptions

Question 2)
What command would you use to format a partition?

  • mkfs
  • format
  • mount

Question 3)
When you mount a drive with the mount command will it remount on boot?

  • No
  • Yes


Linux File Systems Monitoring Practice Quiz Answers

Question 1)
Which command is good for finding users or applications that are taking up the most disk space?

  • df
  • du
  • iostat

Question 2)
Which command displays a real-time chart of disk statistics?

  • iostat
  • du
  • df

Question 3)
Which command displays disk usage by partition?

  • df
  • du
  • iostat



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