Securing Linux Systems Week 1 Practice Quiz Answers

In this article i am gone to share Securing Linux Systems by the LearnQuest | Securing Linux Systems Week 1 Practice quiz answers with you..

Securing Linux Systems Week 1 Practice Quiz Answers


File and Directory Permissions Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What is the group’s permission with the octal 762?

  • Read, Write & Execute
  • Read and Execute
  • Read
  • Read and Write

Question 2)
What is the owner permission with the octal 762?

  • Read, Write & Execute
  • Read & Write
  • Read & Execute
  • Execute

Question 3)
What is the other permission with the octal 762?

  • Read and Write
  • Write
  • Read, Write & Execute
  • Read

Access Control Lists Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Does ACL use different permission bits from the standard file and directory permissions with DAC?

  • No
  • Yes

Question 2)
Which is a flaw with standard Linux file and directory DAC?

  • You can only assign permissions to the group
  • Only a single user or group can be assigned permission
  • You can only assign permissions to the owner

Question 3)
Does ACL only work on files?

  • Yes
  • No. It works on files and directories
  • No. It can work on in process memory also


Context-Based Permissions Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What is the standard file and directory permissions method in Linux called?

  • Discretionary access control (DAC)
  • Role based access control (RBAC)
  • Mandatory access control (MAC)

Question 2)
What is a flaw with DAC?

  • You cannot limit access to the owner
  • An administrator cannot prevent users from granting full permissions to others on all files in the their directories
  • You cannot limit access to the group

Question 3)
Which of the following is not a MAC implementation in Linux?

  • MacInTheLinuxBox
  • AppArmor
  • SELinux


Account Types and Privilege Escalation Practice Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What user id does Root have?

  • 0
  • 2000
  • 1

Question 2)
What does sudo stand for?

  • Substitute user do
  • Substitute user
  • Super user do
  • Super User

Question 3)
Which of the following cannot you not control with the ulimit command?

  • Maximum running time
  • Maximum virtual memory
  • Maximum cpu time
  • Maximum number of file locks



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