SEMrush Amazon Seller Certification Exam Answers

Hello friends In this article i am gone to share a SEMrush Amazon Seller Certification Exam Answers with you..

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Test your knowledge of the SEMrush Amazon Seller Certification Exam Answers and earn your free SEMrush certification. We test you on all aspects of our SEMrush Amazon Seller Certification Exam Test course, covering research, building campaigns and measuring success.

SEMrush Amazon Seller Certification Exam Answers

Question 1)
What might you need to provide in order for Amazon to verify your identity?

  • Video call
  • Utility bills
  • Birth certificate
  • Business license
  • Credit card statements

Question 2)
True or false: If you haven’t formed a business yet, you can put in your personal tax ID when creating an Amazon Seller Account and change it later.

  • True
  • False

Question 3)
Why should you use your business address when creating an Amazon Seller Account?

  • It looks more professional.
  • The address will show on your Amazon store page.
  • Amazon will send returned products to this address.

Question 4)
If you receive a customer message on Saturday at 5pm, by when does Amazon expect you to answer that message?

  • Monday 1 PM
  • Saturday 11 PM
  • Sunday 5 PM
  • The following Saturday

Question 5)
If your IPI is below Amazon’s benchmarks what will happen to your account?

  • You will be suspended.
  • Your FBA storage will be limited next quarter.
  • You will need to write a plan of action and submit it to Amazon.
  • You will not be allowed to list any additional inventory.

Question 6)
Why do you want to fix stranded inventory as quickly as possible?

  • Amazon may suspend your account.
  • You may receive negative reviews.
  • After 30 days without an offer, Amazon has the right to dispose of your inventory.
  • You will still be charged storage fees even though these items are not available for sale.

Question 7)
If you wanted to change your price for an item you are selling on Seller Central, you would

  • Delete and relist your inventory
  • You cannot edit your price on Amazon
  • Submit a ticket to Seller Support with the ASIN and the new price
  • Edit the price in Seller Central in the Manage Inventory or Manage FBA Inventory pages on Seller Central

Question 8)
A great title on Amazon … (check all that apply)

  • Includes the name of the product
  • Includes your brand name
  • Includes all relevant keywords
  • Follows Amazon’s style guidelines

Question 9)
Check all that apply for primary images.

  • Should be 85% of the image
  • The image should include any available coupons.
  • The image should be on a pure white background.
  • The image must not contain gratuitous or confusing additional objects.

Question 10)
Which Amazon ad types will display your product in search results?

  • Sponsored Listing
  • Brand Advertising
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Product Ads

Question 11)
How can you protect your listing once it has been created?

  • Purchase Brand Protection.
  • Register for Brand Registry.
  • Join Amazon’s FBA program.
  • Track your listing with the Sellerly Listing Protection tool.

Question 12)
If you want to list a product that is already on Amazon, but it has incorrect information, what should you do?

  • Delete the listing.
  • Don’t list your product.
  • Work to update the listing with the correct information.
  • Create a new listing with the correct information.

Question 13)
True or false: If your product does not have a GTIN you can request a GTIN Exception.

  • True
  • False

Question 14)
What will determine the percentage referral fee that you will be charged by Amazon when your product sells?

  • The quantity sold
  • The product size
  • The product category
  • The product price

Question 15)
Why is it important to have just the right amount of product stock when doing FBA?

  • If you run out of stock, your account may get suspended.
  • If you are heavily overstocked, you will have more storage fees.
  • If you are heavily overstocked, your account may get suspended.
  • If you run out of stock, you may lose ad money invested in ranking for a specific keyword.

Question 16)
Which Amazon program helps you to access honest reviews in exchange for free products?

  • Vine
  • Amazon Business
  • Early Reviewer Program
  • Brand Registry

Question 17)
Why should you add a clippable coupon to your product when launching?

  • It’s free and customers are happier.
  • Amazon shares the cost of the coupon with you.
  • You are more likely to rank better organically.
  • It can increase your click-through rate and your conversion.

Question 18)
True or False: When doing split testing, you should only test small differences.

  • True
  • False

Question 19)
What is a twister?

  • A special program with Amazon
  • Another name for a product variation
  • A product that comes in different colors.
  • A product review that was negative, but gets changed to a positive review.

Question 20)
What happens if a parent listing gets deleted?

  • All the children listings get deleted too.
  • The first child listing created will become the parent listing.
  • The children listings become orphans and are shown as individual products.

Question 21)
Why should you try a special program (Brand Registry, Subscribe and Save, Early Reviewer Programs) after a year?

  • Beta listings aren’t completely retail ready.
  • Amazon likes it and will rank your product better organically.
  • Changes to the programs might have made them more viable for your products.
  • You shouldn’t try a special program if it didn’t work the first time around.

Question 22)
True or false: It is ok to have friends, family or employees review your products.

  • True
  • False

Question 23)
The Early Review Program is designed to:

  • Get your first 5 reviews
  • Get reviews for your products before you list them on Amazon
  • Allows you to email customers and offer a discount in exchange for a 5-star review
  • Expose your product to customers primarily shopping in the morning

Question 24)
Finish the sentence: “The best way to increase your total reviews is____”. Check all that apply.

  • Use special programs like Early Reviewer Program and Vine.
  • Ask your friends and family to leave reviews for your products.
  • Offer a free product in exchange for a 5-star review.
  • Use ads and coupons to encourage more purchases of your products.

Question 25)
Why do you want to avoid your item going into Poor or Fair status?

  • Amazon can remove your listing.
  • Amazon can suppress your listing.
  • Amazon will suspend your account.
  • You will have to pay more for advertising.



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