You need to perform a SQL join. You want to return all the columns with records matching on the device_id column between the employees and machines tables. You also want to return all records from the employees table. Which of the following queries would you use?

Tools of the Trade: Linux and SQL | Weekly challenge 4 Quiz | 

You need to perform a SQL join. You want to return all the columns with records matching on the device_id column between the employees and machines tables. You also want to return all records from the employees table. Which of the following queries would you use?

  • SELECT * FROM employees INNER JOIN machines ON employees.device_id = machines.device_id;
  • SELECT * FROM employees LEFT JOIN machines ON employees.device_id = machines.device_id;
  • SELECT * FROM employees RIGHT JOIN machines ON employees.device_id = machines.device_id;
  • SELECT * FROM employees FULL OUTER JOIN machines ON employees.device_id = machines.device_id


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